
Whatever the concern, my clients are seeking professional support, to feel cared for and understood, to facilitate their ability to cope with their current situation, and desire someone to come alongside them as they determine how to go on. The clients I see are suffering from the weight of mental illness, feeling in the dark places of depression, the restlessness of anxiety, the inescapability of trauma, the helplessness with chronic pain, as well as other debilitating emotional challenges. I also see couples who are facing disruption in their connection, as well as clients adjusting to various changes in their lives.

My role is mainly to provide care, as I continuously seek to understand clients. Through coping strategies, various therapeutic techniques and curious exploration we facilitate clients' self-reflection and self-awareness, enabling personal understanding and greater emotional regulation by turning reactionary behavioural patterns into considered responses.

Often when experiencing such challenges in life, we can feel alone and lost. As Registered Psychotherapists, we are trained to emotionally enter your world with you. Please feel free to contact me for an initial consultation, to further discuss if the supportive services I provide are the best fit for you at this time.


The CEX Episode.